Course feedback 

Both degree students and Open UAS students can give feedback on each course with a survey found on the course feedback system Spark which is integrated with Peppi.

Students can give feedback on each course with a survey found on the course feedback system Spark which is integrated with Peppi.

Feedback can be given in two ways. Students can give continuous feedback throughout a course as many times as they want. After finishing a course, students can give the course conclusive feedback.

The Spark survey for conclusive feedback automatically activates a week before the course’s ending date shown on Peppi. You have 2 weeks to give feedback. Feedback is given anonymously. You will be sent an automatic email confirmation after filling in the survey.

Lecturers responsible for the course develop it based on the received feedback. Managers are responsible for quality monitoring and resourcing their whole education programme.

Extracts from open feedback can be used in Humak’s education marketing with the person who has given the feedback remaining unrecognisable.

Administrator of the page: Helka Luttinen,
Last modified: February 23, 2023