Student surveys 

Surveys aimed at students serve as an important quality monitoring tool at Humak. The feedback is collected anonymously and the information obtained from it is used in the development of activities and teaching. At Humak, students have several opportunities to give feedback on their studies during their studies. Student surveys are conducted for both degree students and Open UAS students.

Answer and make an impact! – Your opinion matters!

As a Humak student, you can give feedback in several areas of your studies using various surveys and feedback channels. Attached are the main student surveys of both degree students and open university of applied sciences students during their studies.

Degree student surveys

  • Course feedback: Course feedback is implemented at the end of each course.
  • First-year student survey: The questionnaire is answered by 1st year degree students. The survey will be carried out in October-November.
  • Mid-studies student survey: The questionnaire is answered by 2nd and 3rd year degree students. The survey will be carried out October-November.
  • AVOP survey: The questionnaire is answered by degree students in the graduation phase.
  • Equality survey: The survey is carried out every three years for degree students.
  • Career monitoring survey: The survey is answered by degree students who graduated from Humak five years ago.

In addition to student surveys, students can give continuous feedback through Humak’s reporting channels.

Find out more about the processes for handling course feedback and student surveys.

Opiskelijan palaute Humakissa alku-, keski- ja päättövaiheessa sekä viisi vuotta opintojen päättymisen jälkeen.

Open University of Applied Sciences students

  • Open University of Applied Sciences students complete a course feedback survey for each course of study. The questionnaire link can be found on the implementation-specific Hoodle platforms.
  • In addition to the course feedback survey, feedback from the students of the open AMK is collected with a separate feedback survey of the open AMK. The survey collects information about the smoothness and course offerings of the open AMK’s processes, practices and studies.​​​​​​​​
  • Humak’s reporting channels are also available to Open University of Applied Sciences students.

Administrator of the page: Helka Luttinen,
Last modified: October 7, 2024