Each Humak campus has a designated student counsellor who will help you if you encounter challenges during your studies. Student councellors work with you in a variety of ways. You can agree on an individual meeting face-to-face or meet online.
Students can also participate in monthly workshops and theme days.
The student counsellors also act as lecturers responsible for the well-being of students in their region.
Contact information for student counsellors
Cultural Management
- Jyväskylä: Eeva Mäntylä tel. +358 50 4420 564
- Kauniainen: Paula Kostia tel. +358 50 4355 308
- Turku: Tiina Heimo tel. +358 400 349293
- Online degrees: Paula Kostia tel. +358 50 4355 308
- Master’s degree students: Pasi Toivanen tel. +358 400 349 372
- Helsinki and Kuopio (both Bachelor and Master’s degree students): Hanna Putkonen tel. +358 50 4119 594
Community Education
- Helsinki: Sari Huttu tel. +358 400 349 381
- Helsinki/AdEd: Anna-Maija Riutta +358 400 349 357
- Jyväskylä: Eeva Mäntylä tel. +358 50 4420 564
- Kuopio: Piia Mylly tel. +358 400 349252
- Turku: Tiina Heimo tel. +358 400 349293
- MOVE: Tarja Jukkala tel. +358 400 349 269 and Katja Munter tel. +358 50 350 6367
- TYKE: Tarja Jukkala tel. +358 400 349 269
- Master’s degree students: Pasi Toivanen tel. +358 400 349 372
Emails: firstname.lastname(at)humak.fi.
How do I book an appointment with a student counsellor?
You can book an appointment with a counsellor by using the Appointment Times function on Peppi’s Student’s desktop. See instructions here. If you cannot find a tutoring time for your counsellor through the Appointment Times function, please contact the relevant counsellor.