Language studies

All of Humak's Bachelor's degree studies include language studies in Finnish, English, and Swedish. If you wish, you can include either Humak's optional language studies – including sign language studies – or language studies completed at other universities in your personal study plan. On this page you will also find information on the language of education and the exemption from language studies.

Language studies

The professional language studies of a Community Educator specializing in Adventure Education, starting their studies in autumn 2023 or later, consist of a total of 10 credits.

For students who are non-native Finnish speakers, the language studies consist of basic studies in Finnish language:

  • Finnish language 1, 5 ECTS
  • Finnish language 2, 5 ECTS

For native Finnish speakers, language studies include professional Swedish, Finnish communication studies:

  • Swedish 5 ECTS
  • Vuorovaikutus 5 ECTS

Language assessment

Find out more about assessment practices in language studies in the Assessment Handbook, which you can find on the Evaluation page.

Language accreditation guidelines

See the language accreditation guidelines on the RPL – Do you have previously acquired competence? page.

Determination of the language of school education

Your language of education is Finnish if you have completed comprehensive school and/or upper secondary school in Finnish and studied Finnish as your native language or if you have passed the Finnish matriculation examination in Finnish as your native language.

Your language of education is Swedish if you have completed comprehensive school and/or upper secondary school in Swedish and studied Swedish as your native language or if you have passed the Finnish matriculation examination in Swedish as a native language.

Declaration of language of education (other than Finnish)

If your language of education is other than Finnish, you must fill in the electronic declaration of language of secondary education form. The language of instruction is Finnish if you have a Finnish-language comprehensive school or upper secondary school leaving certificate that includes a grade in Finnish as your native language.

Requesting an exemption from language studies – total exemption

Exemption from language studies can be granted if you have received education in a language other than Finnish or Swedish (including sign language education), or if you have received education abroad, or if you have a severe dyslexia diagnosed by a specialist and certified by a doctor, or if you have no previous Swedish or English language studies. The request is made immediately at the beginning of your studies after discussion with your language teacher and your PSP coach. In this case, you will have to complete an equivalent number of credits of other language studies.

Applying for a partial exemption from the language proficiency requirements – partial exemption

You can apply for a partial exemption from the language proficiency requirements if you have taken a second home language and/or a foreign language course and, despite two attempts, you have not achieved the written and/or oral language proficiency requirements in the second home language (minimum grade of satisfactory 1) or in the foreign language (minimum grade of satisfactory 1). You can make a request after discussing the matter with your language teacher and your PSP coach. However, in order to be able to make a request, you must have made progress towards language proficiency in accordance with a plan drawn up with your language teacher.

The request for exemption from language studies must include an explanation on:

  • the language of instruction and the country of instruction, and
  • the reasons why the exemption should be granted.

For language requirements, the request for exemption must include an explanation of the reasons for the exemption:

  • the study of the language concerned,
  • achievements in relation to the language proficiency requirements,
  • how you have made efforts to promote the learning of the language concerned; and
  • the reasons why an exemption should be granted.

The application is accompanied by a statement from the language teacher. When you request an exemption, contact your language teacher and ask for a statement. The language teacher will give their opinion:

  • an assessment of your language skills and your ability to achieve the required level of proficiency,
  • an assessment of your academic record and performance in the language concerned, and
  • a proposal to grant or refuse the exemption.

The Director of Education decides whether to grant an exemption on the basis of a proposal from the language teacher.

The student office will inform you and the language teacher of the decision. A positive decision will be notified by email and a negative decision by letter. The language teacher will make the necessary entries in Peppi. The decision will be filed at the student office.

Exemption from the language studies or language requirements for the degree is indicated on the diploma.

Exemption from language studies – total exemption

If you are exempted from language studies according to the Humak curriculum, you must complete the number of credits corresponding to the exemption in other language studies at the UAS level in 5-credit blocks by completing a basic and a further course in the same language. Arrange to take these courses in consultation with your language teacher and your PSP coach.

Exemption from language requirements – partial exemption

If you are granted a language exemption, you will participate in the language studies covered by the curriculum. Complete the course assignments and final exam as agreed with your language teacher. In this case, the mark will be ‘passed’ (you have attended the language course).

Administrator of the page: Helka Luttinen, Johanna Henriksson,
Last modified: January 11, 2024