Cross-Institutional Studies and other joint studies

As a Humak's student, you can also study online courses from other universities of applied sciences via the cross-institutional study service for higher education institutions (RIPA). You will find the courses available from more than 20 universities of applied sciences in your Peppi educational system. Humak also has other cooperation agreements on student exchange with universities such as the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Turku.

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Cross-Institutional Studies for Humak students

As Humak’s student, you can also study online courses from other universities of applied sciences via the cross-institutional study service (RIPA). RIPA enables students to complete studies at another higher education institution without enrolment through a separate portal. You will find the courses available from more than 20 universities of applied sciences in your Peppi educational system. Studying is free for all participating degree students (Bachelor’s and Master’s), Open UAS path students and exchange students.

You can include credits for the studies in your degree. Before enrolling, check with your PSP coach that the course is suitable for your degree.

Courses from other UAS are published in accordance with the annual calendar of the organising university, usually at least two weeks before the enrolment to the course in question begins.

NB! The CampusOnline portal closed on 31.12.2024, but the cross-institutional study opportunities offered by the CampusOnline network will remain. You will find the courses available from more than 20 universities of applied sciences in your Peppi educational system.

Studying at the cross-institutional study service for higher education institutions (RIPA) is particularly suitable if you want to complete your studies on a faster schedule, study during the summer, or complete your degree with studies not offered at Humak. Please note that as an Open UAS ‘Polku’ path student, you cannot include the cross-institutional study service studies in your path studies, as they must be Humak studies in accordance with the criteria of Path studies.

The CampusOnline portal closed on 31.12.2024, but the cross-institutional study opportunities (Ripa) offered by the CampusOnline network will remain. You will find the courses available from more than 20 universities of applied sciences in your own Peppi student’s desktop.

Ripa means that you can register for the studies found in Humak’s cross-study offer of different networks directly in your own Peppi student’s desktop, and also the evaluations are transferred directly to your PSP without the eRPL procedure or sharing study path links. 

You can register to the studies offered by higher education insitutions using Ripa in the same way as you would register for Humak’s own studies in Peppi. You can also easily find all the courses in Peppi through your PSP. Familiarize yourself with the offering well in advance, so that you will be able to register in time for your studies.

Instructions on how to find RIPA studies in Peppi student’s desktop

If you have the right to participate in studies organized by another higher education institution, you will see cross-study functions automatically in your student’s desktop. First, log in to Peppi student’s desktop, go to your PSP and to the Selecting Studies tab. From the magnifying glass symbol in your PSP on the right side, you can search cross-study studies and add them to your PSP to your hops.

In the study search, you can filter cross-study studies by selecting cross-study filtering as shown in the image below. When you have found the study you want t add to your PSP, click Add to basket on the right side of the page.

After this, click Add selected to PSP to export the selected studies to your PSP.

Instructions for course enrollments

Registration for cross-study courses is done on the Enrollments tab of PSP in the same way as you would enroll to your other studies. You will see the open enrollments for the studies that you have added to your PSP automatically under the heading “Enrollment ongoing”. Enroll for the course using the Enroll button on the right side.

After clicking the Enroll button, a new window opens where you confirm the permission to transfer your enrollment and study data to another institution. You must click that you accept the transfer of your data and then click Continue to save your enrollment.

When you have enrolled to a course, the enrollment information automatically transfers to the other institution. You can see the status of your enrollment in your student’s desktop (Enrollment waiting for approval/Enrollment approved/ Enrollment rejected).

When your enrollment has been approved for the course, you will get a study right in the other institution and you will receive a message from them containing instructions of how to start your studies in the other institution. The studies offered by the other higher education institution are separated by a symbol on the different tabs of the PSP

Transferring RIPA studies credits

When the studies have been completed, the credits will be automatically transferred your student’s desktop and to your PSP without the eRPL procedure or sharing the link of the study path.

When registering for RIPA studies, always follow the enrollment instructions of each course.

Before enrolling, check with your PSP coach that the course is suitable for your degree.

When the studies have been completed, the credits will be automatically transferred to your Peppi student’s desktop and to your PSP without the eRPL procedure or sharing the link of the study path.

You can transfer your RIPA studies ECTS credits from other higher education institutions to Humak by searching the credits from My Studyinfo -service and filling in ERPL application in Peppi. Instructions for transferring credits and filling in ERPL application can be found here.

Other cooperative studies

Humak co-operates in teaching e.g. with the University of Jyväskylä and the degree program in Cultural Production and Landscape Studies on the Pori campus of the University of Turku. Humak is also part of the Kivanet network, which offers foreign language studies.

Find out more about the available studies below.

KUMU studies people, communities, and cultures from the perspectives of ethnology, anthropology, and cultural policy. KUMU offers a Cultures, Communities and Change module, 5-20 ECTS for English-speaking exchange students at Humak.

The studies offered by KUMU provide Humak students with research tools and critical analysis of culture and the cultural sector. You can include modules in your degree that will benefit your knowledge and skills, as well as your transition to work or from one institution to another.

Application and selection criteria

The application period for the academic year 2025–2026 studies will be announced in February-March 2025.

Contact information

  • Education Coordinator Karoliina Puranen-Impola (KUMU), karoliina.n.puranen-impola(at)
  • Lecturer Sanna Pekkinen (Humak, Cultural Management), sanna.pekkinen(at)
  • Lecturer Minna Rajalin (Humak, Community Education), minna.rajalin(at)
  • Teachers of the KUMU and Humak teaching cooperation (in Finnish)

Cultural production cooperation with the degree programme in Digital Culture, Landscape and Cultural Heritage at the Pori campus of the University of Turku. Please note that you can substitute two of the courses listed below for the OPS-2018 Professional Practical Training 2 or 3 of the Humak degree in Cultural Production (Bachelor of Arts). The OPS-2023 internships will be substituted for Professional Internship 1 or 2. Alternatively, you can also include courses in the optional studies. 

Basic studies (15 ECTS)

  • Digitaalinen maailma 5 op
  • Kulttuuriperintö 5 op
  • Maisema, paikka, kulttuuriympäristö 5 op

Cultural and experience tourism (15 ECTS)

  • Johdanto kulttuurimatkailuun 5 op
  • Kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistaminen matkailussa 5 op
  • Nature, Environment and Tourism 5 op

More information about the courses can be found in the University of Turku study guide

Application and admission criteria

10 students are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that in addition to this, you will have to register separately for individual courses in the autumn. You will be informed of this after the registration deadline. You will then make a more precise choice of which of the courses covered by the contract you wish to enrol in.

The enrolment period for the academic year 2025-2026 studies will be announced in February-March 2025.


  • Humak: Senior Lecturer Laura Päiviö-Häkämies, laura.paivio-hakamies(at), +358 400 349 289 
  • Humak: Lecturer Minna Hautio, minna.hautio(at), p. 0400 349 227
  • University of Turku:

KiVAKO, a joint project of Finnish universities (2018-21), has created a wide range of web-based language studies with funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The cooperation continues in the form of KiVANET, a network of 26 Finnish universities. The network offers web-based language courses to the students of the network universities.

More information and course selection can be found on KiVANET web site

Contact person: 

Humak: Kim Lindblad,, p. 0400 349 279

LUKA, Nature Education Cooperation Network, is a new network between Humak UAS Lapland UAS and uses Ripa (a cross-institutional study service for higher education institutions).

Contact person: 

Humak: Tero Lämsä,

The Finnish University Network for Youth Studies, YUNET (the link opens in a new tab) offers students of its member universities the opportunity to pursue studies in youth research, regardless of their location. YUNET is a collaboration network for youth research. It includes the universities of Helsinki, Oulu, Tampere, and Turku, the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK), the Humak University of Applied Sciences and the Youth Research Society. The purpose of YUNET is to promote high-quality education, research and information dissemination related to youth.

Students at Humak can freely choose courses from the YUNET course selection as part of their optional studies. The courses are particularly suitable for youth work students pursuing Community Education (Bachlor´s) studies at Humak.

You can view the course offerings on YUNET’s website under the “Courses” section KURSSIT (the link opens in a new tab). Each course has its own enrollment period, which is announced on the Courses page alongside each course description. For more information about the studies, please contact the respective higher education institution that is responsible for the courses. 

Please note that as a Humak student, you apply to the YUNET network’s course selection as part of the education organized by other universities. For Humak’s own course selection, you apply and register as you would for any other Humak courses, through Humak’s own registration practices using the Peppi system.

Administrator of the page: Johanna Henriksson,
Last modified: January 31, 2025