If you have registered yourself as present for the first academic year, you can be absent for one academic year (two semesters) for any reason during the later years of your studies. This absence will not diminish the time period of your study entitlement. In addition, you have the right to be absent if you are performing a mandatory military service under the Conscription Act, the Civil Service Act, or the Act on Voluntary Military Service for Women, or if you are on maternity, paternity, or parental leave. This absence due to statutory reasons will not diminish the time period of your study entitlement.
Please submit a document proving your statutory absence using this form, notify the Study Affaits Office by email opintotoimisto@humak.fi, and register yourself as absent in Peppi. You can be absent for the whole academic year or for one semester.
The following documents can be used to prove a statutory absence:
Service under the Conscription Act, the Civilian Service Act, or the Act on Voluntary Military Service for Women
A conscription order (Finnish only) certifying that the military service will take place during the relevant academic year.
Maternity, paternity, or parental leave
Certificate of maternity, paternity, or parental leave from Kela or, if no such certificate exists, a medical certificate of pregnancy or equivalent certificates from other countries’ authorities for statutory parental leave. Paternity leave can only be certified by a Kela certificate of paternity leave.
During your period of absence, you are not entitled to study, receive guidance or have your studies entered in the study register. You are also not entitled to student benefits, YTHS services, meal allowances, or other student benefits (e.g. travel discounts). You can cancel your student financial aid at Kela’s E-services.
As an absent student, you must ensure that you register for the following year in accordance with the timetable.
If you are absent from your first year of study due to mandatory military service, civilian service, or voluntary military service for women, or if you are on maternity, paternity, or parental leave, you have the right to register as absent for a second academic year (two semesters) for any reason during the subsequent your studies (this absence does not diminish the time period of your study entitlement).
If you have been absent during the first year of study due to a personal illness or injury, you can only register as absent in subsequent years of study for the above-mentioned statutory reasons.