Students from other institutes of higher education

On this page, you will find instructions on how to register for Humak's Cross-Institutional Studies and cooperative education studies with other higher education institutes.

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Welcome, students of cooperatively organized studies!

On this page, you will find instructions on how to register for Humak’s Cross-Institutional Studies (RIPA) and cooperative education studies with other higher education institutions.

Cross-Institutional Studies (RIPA)

The CampusOnline portal closed on 31.12.2024, but the cross-institutional study opportunities offered by the CampusOnline network will remain. You will find Humak’s courses in the student administration system of your own institution (Peppi/Pakki).

The cross-institutional study service for higher education institutions (RIPA) enables you to complete your studies at another higher education institution without enrolment through a separate portal. You can register in the student administration system of your home institution (Peppi/Pakki). 

You will find Humak’s courses in the student administration system of your own institution (Peppi/Pakki).

After the enrolment period ends (two weeks after registration for non-stop studies) we will send you instructions by email on how to activate your user IDs, and how to log in to the online learning environment Hoodle, where course-specific instructions can be found. Remember to check your junk mail folder if you did not receive a message. If the message has not been received at all, please contact

IDs for Humak’s services

Please register a user ID for Humak’s Peppi and Hoodle digital environments by logging in to the service. Log in to the service by using your Bank ID or mobile authentication. Thereafter, you must accept the ICT terms of service, after which you will receive your user IDs and will be asked to set a password. The account can be activated after you have registered for studies and your registration has been processed.

Online studying takes place at the Hoodle learning environment. Most of the webinars related to the courses are saved there for later viewing university e-mail address and programs for their studies.

CampusOnline students do not receive a Humak e-mail address or an Office 365 license, but use their own university e-mail address and programs for their studies.

When the RIPA studies have been completed the credits will be automatically transferred to your Peppi/Pakki student’s desktop and to your PSP without the eRPL procedure or sharing the link of the study path.

If you have any questions about the RIPA studies offered by Humak, please contact Questions about course contents and completion should be directed to lecturers responsible for the courses in question. Please check the lecturer information in the course contents (Peppi/Pakki).

Other students of cooperatively organized studies

Humak co-operates in teaching e.g. with the University of Jyväskylä and the degree program in Cultural Production and Landscape Studies on the Pori campus of the University of Turku. Humak is also part of the Kivanet network, which offers foreign language studies.

More information about the studies below.

Humak offers KUMU students the opportunity to study 25 ECTS in Cultural Management (Finnish) or 25 ECTS in Community Education (Finnish). Humak’s studies develop the students’ practical working life skills.

Application and admission criteria

The application period for the academic year 2025–2026 studies will be announced in February-March 2025.

Contact persons

  • Education Planner Karoliina Puranen-Impola (KUMU), karoliina.n.puranen-impola(at)
  • Lecturer Sanna Pekkinen (Humak, Cultural Management), sanna.pekkinen(at)
  • Lecturer Minna Rajalin (Humak, Community Education), minna.rajalin(at)
  • The teachers included in the cooperation between KUMU and Humak (in Finnish only)

Humak is offering the following studies to students studying for a degree in Digital Culture, Landscape and Cultural Heritage at the University of Turku:

Applying and admission criteria 

10 students will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Enrolments submitted within the enrolment period will be considered.

The enrolment period for the academic year 2025-2026 studies will be announced in February-March 2025.

Contact details 

  • Humak: Senior Lecturer Laura Päiviö-Häkämies, laura.paivio-hakamies(at), +358 400 349 289 
  • Humak: Lecturer Minna Hautio, minna.hautio(at), p. 0400 349 227
  • University of Turku

Administrator of the page:
Last modified: January 20, 2025