Tuition fees and scholarship

Expenses for EU/EEA/Swiss students

No tuition fee will be charged from students who are citizens of the EU/EEA area and Switzerland.

EU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Gibraltar.

EEA countries are: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Expenses for non-EU/EEA/Swiss students

Tuition fee of 14000 euros per academic year (in 2024 and onwards) is charged from students coming outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland area. For more general information concerning tuition fees please see website.

Students must accept the student place in Studyinfo and pay the fee for the first academic year by 11 July 2024 at 15.00. Students cannot register for the autumn semester 2024 before the fee is paid in full and all necessary documents have been submitted to Admission Services.

You don’t have to pay the tuition fee if you are a holder of one of the following documents:

  • Passport or identity card to indicate the citizenship of EU/EEA/Switzerland
  • EU Blue Card in Finland
  • Continuous residence permit card in Finland (Type A permit) issued for purposes other than studies. NB! Type A permit granted for studying in Finland (from 15 April 2022 onwards) doesn’t exempt student from paying tuition fee.
  • EU Family Member’s Residence Card in Finland
  • Permanent residence permit card in Finland, Type P permit
  • EU residence permit for third-country citizens with long-term residence permit card in Finland (Type P-EU)
  • Brexit residence permit card, Type SEU-sopimuksen 50 artikla = Right of residence under the withdrawal agreement, or P SEU-sopimuksen 50 artikla = Right of permanent residence under the withdrawal agreement

For more general information concerning tuition fees please see website.

For other study-related costs please see website.

Scholarship scheme

Students are required to pay tuition fee for each academic semester or year attended.

First year degree students need to pay the 14000€ tuition fee in full when they accept their study place. No scholarship available. However, Early Bird discount is granted for applicants who confirm their study place and pay the tuition fee within 14 days of receiving the offer of admission. The discount is valid until 4 June 2024, after which the tuition fee will be €14,000 for all applicants.

Degree students continuing their studies need to pay the tuition fee before registering for the next academic year. The scholarship scheme rewards students who have completed 60 ECTS during the previous academic year, with a 30 % discount on the tuition fee of the following academic year. The scholarship is not applicable for tuition fees after 3.5 years of studies.

If a student passes the YKI test in Finnish language (National Certificate of Language Proficiency) with minimum grade 3 (level B1), the student will be awarded a 1000 euros scholarship. In addition, the YKI test fee will be compensated to the student. For more information about the YKI test please visit Finnish National Agency for Education website.

The tuition fee entitles the student to study and to use the normal support services available for students. However, all students must buy the necessary books (if not available in libraries) and other educational material themselves, get an insurance, and take care of their own commuting, travelling and other living costs (accommodation, food, clothing, leisure activities). Average monthly living cost for a student is estimated at about 700–900 euros.

According to Finnish Immigration Service, in addition to the amount of the tuition fee, the student has to have at least 6 720 euros per each academic year available to cover the living costs. For more information, see the Finnish Immigration Service website.

General information about the tuition fees on Study in Finland website.

Scolarship scheme

Please note that the scholarship ends after 3.5 years. If the studies continue beyond 3.5 years, the student will have to pay the tuition fee in full for every additional semester.

Scholarship scheme for students accepted before the joint application spring 2024

Students are required to pay tuition fee for each academic semester or year attended. First year degree students need to pay the tuition fee in full when they accept their study place. No scholarship available. Continuing degree students need to pay the tuition fee before registering for the next academic year. The scholarship scheme rewards students who complete 55 ECTS per academic year as follows:

The tuition fee entitles the student to study and to use the normal support services available for students. However, all students must buy the necessary books (if not available in libraries) and other educational material themselves, get an insurance, and take care of their own commuting, travelling and other living costs (accommodation, food, clothing, leisure activities). Average monthly living cost for a student is estimated at about 700–900 euros.

According to Finnish Immigration Service, in addition to the amount of the tuition fee, the student has to have at least 6 720 euros per each academic year available to cover the living costs. For more information, see the Finnish Immigration Service website.

General information about the tuition fees on Study in Finland website.

Scholarship scheme

Please note that the scholarship ends after 3.5 years. If the studies continue beyond 3.5 years, the student will have to pay the tuition fee in full for every additional semester.

Tuition fee payment via Flywire

Humak uses theFlywire payment service for tuition fees. Flywire provides a secure global payment network that makes it easy to pay from home and from countries around the world. Payment options include bank transfers, credit cards, e-wallets and others, usually in local currency in most countries.

To learn more, visit Flywire.

You can start the payment process here:

  1. Please select the correct degree.
  2. Select country of origin and your payment amount.
  3. Select payment method: Review the payment options provided and select your preferred method. Options may include bank transfer, debit/credit card in your home currency, electronic payment, or other local options.
  4. Enter your details: Create your account, then enter some basic information to initiate your payment. Flywire will include this information with your payment for easy identification by our staff. Please note; you have to add first payer information and then student information.
  5. Make your payment: Follow the instructions provided to send funds to Flywire via your selected method.
  6. Track and confirm: Track your payment by logging into your Flywire account at any time. Receive text and email status updates each step of the way, including confirmation when your payment has been delivered.

The status of your payment will be updated once your funds have been received by Flywire and delivered to your institution


For more detailed information on how to make the payment on Flywire website.

Refund policy

A paid tuition fee can be returned to the student if a residence permit will not be granted to him/her. The student must then apply to receive the money as a return payment. The application must include a copy of the denied residence permit.

Administrator of the page: Opintotoimisto,
Last modified: September 16, 2024