A Small writing guide

The small writing guide is intended to support students in various written assignments. These can be essays, reports, learning diaries, summaries or other writing assignments. This guide will familiarize you with writing as a skill and as an action, you'll read about various types of text and gain different tools for writing.

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The small writing guide is intended to support students in various written assignments. These can be essays, reports, learning diaries, summaries or other writing assignments. This guide will familiarize you with writing as a skill and as an action, you’ll read about various types of text and gain different tools for writing. Take note that specific instructions for completing tasks, i.e., the scope of the assignments, can be found in the Hoodle learning environment. The small writing guide replaces the previous exercise instruction guide document from Autumn 2020.

The small guide for writing is being constantly updated.

More information

Author: Hanna Kaisa-Turja, Humak

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


The purpose of all exercises is the growth of the student and completing the study module’s goals. Vocational competence can be demonstrated in many ways, written tasks being just one way. Instead of focusing on the writing task’s required length, it’s better to focus on the task’s goals; how can you demonstrate your vocational skill within the assignment’s requirements. Universities of Applied Sciences use a formula to determine the workload of study points, 1 ECTS is approximately 27 hours of work. The workload is also affected by the study module’s contents, used study materials and language.

General guide for the length of written tasks

  • the number of required pages always refer to the actual running text. A document also has a cover page, a reference list and possible attachments. 
  • 3 to 4 pages equals 1 ECTS in all written study methods (refer to written assignment template). Note: always check assignment specific instructions from the study module’s learning environment.

This part focuses on writing. Is writing a mystical skill that only a few people have? Why does writing sometimes feel so difficult? What’s writing like in a University of Applied Sciences? What sort of conceptions are related to writing? How can you develop yourself as a writer? What do we need writing skills for?

Writing can be approached from different perspectives. Kimmo Svinhufvud (2016) presents three different perspectives of writing:

  1. Text: text type, text research
  2. Writing process: different working stages, cognitive processes
  3. Writing culture: the writing culture of different communities, national and global writing cultures

The conceptions of what writing is have changed. Roz Ivanevic (2004) has studied writing, and has divided conceptions of writing as follows:

  1. Writing is skill
  2. Writing is creativity
  3. Writing is a process
  4. Writing is production of a text type
  5. Writing is a social activity
  6. Writing is a socio-political activity

Regardless of how one approaches writing, it is clear that writing is an all-encompassing activity. Esa Väliverronen (2007) has determined that writing is creative problem solving.

Writing, reading and thinking are all intertwined. Can we write if we don’t think? By writing we’re making our thoughts visible. Reading, on the other hand, supports writing, because pre-existing knowledge serves as a basis for most texts. Reading furthers understanding of different kinds of texts and their structure, it enhances one’s vocabulary and knowledge of phrases. Reading leads to a more vibrant and rich vocabulary, which enhances your own writing skills. Writing combines cognitive and motor skills. We all know how different it is to write with a keyboard compared to writing on a piece of paper. You can learn more about the differences of writing with a keyboard and writing with a pen here.

Universities of Applied Sciences require academic writing and reading skills. The word academic might conjure up stereotypical images of a grey-haired professor or a researcher working in a desolate chamber. You can throw these stereotypes away!

The purpose of Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) is to prepare students for work in specialist roles. The polytechnics act states that the purpose of Universities of Applied Sciences is to provide university level education for the purposes of research, arts, education and working life development. A UAS student is expected to have a different skillset than students of primary schools and secondary educations. These skills include academic reading and writing skills, practicing these skills starts early on in studies. 

Academic writing skills means professional and scientific discourse, writing and thought processes. Writing helps relay and compartmentalize information. Writing creates interaction between professional fields. Writing is an integral part of citizenship, because writing is used to interact with everyone from family members to officials. Writing is self-expression and creativity. It adds to our understanding of reality. Writing demonstrates our knowledge of different things. It shows what kind of thinkers and writers we are. (Vilkka 2020, 18 – 19.)

Only a few people can write complete text right away. Professionals, like journalists, publicists and others who write for a living are fast and competent, but they too had to learn the skill.

Many are familiar with the exasperation of writing last minute. This leads to poor and incomplete text. As a result, the writing might be incomplete, the text rough and the objectives put in place but not be attained. In a worst case scenario, the writer and the reader are both dissatisfied with the text, and it doesn’t grab the reader’s attention.

Writing is a problem-solving process. The writer doesn’t merely repeat readily available information but edits it to create something new. Before all, writing is thinking—as odd as it may sound! One of the most common problems is how to get started.

Many believe that you can only write when inspiration strikes. But how often does it actually strike? A French poet Charles Baudelaire has stated that inspiration is a result of working every day. You shouldn’t wait for inspiration to come, but instead gain tools for writing in order to get started. Every text has to be started sometime and starting doesn’t get any easier by delaying it.

A text is born and refined from an idea to its final form through various phases. Especially longer texts take time. In Universities of Applied Sciences especially the writing of academic texts is practiced. It’s not enough to present your own thoughts and opinions through text. Critical and analytical work is a central part of writing. As a student you need time to gather information, to read, to compartmentalize information in addition to editing the actual text. Academic texts require references and writing them down can be taxing work at the start of your studies. Remember to allocate time for writing as well when planning your schedule.

Taking notes about the subject you are writing about can help you get started. As you start writing the text, you can combine the things you’ve learned and refine your thoughts into text. Familiarize yourself with different tools that help you write. Once you know yourself as a writer, it becomes easier to predict and prepare for the challenges of writing.

You can begin in different ways. Some might start by writing things down on a piece of paper. After this you can start to combine the ideas you’ve written down, take notes about the questions that come to mind and do more research. Some people like different kinds of mind maps. Some start with reading and writing down notes. Some prefer timed writing or creative writing exercises.

The Pomodoro technique, aka the tomato technique, is a time management method created by Francesco Cirillo. It has become a wildly popular tool for writing, and it works very well as a time management method. The method can be used for anything you want to focus on. Many students use the technique as a way to pace reading.

  1. Choose a task which to focus on. This can be anything, for example an essay, writing a text, reading or even a bigger project.
  2. Set the timer for 25 minutes. You can use any kind of timer, the clock of your phone for example or a timer on your PC. There are also tomato technique applications available for computers and phones. Once you’ve set the timer spend the entire 25 minutes on uninterrupted work on your chosen task. Keep the 25-minute schedule even if it feels too short or too long.
  3. Work on your task for 25 minutes. If you notice yourself getting distracted, or you start doing something else, get back to the task at hand firmly but gently.
  4. Congratulate yourself for working. Once you’ve worked for 25 minutes, congratulate yourself. Great! You’ve made the first tomato. Keep track of the tomatoes you’ve made. Instead of a tomato you can draw a line or a cross, for example.
  5. Take a 5-minute break. Schedule breaks. Get up, drink a glass of water, walk for a moment, do something that feels like a clear break.
  6. Continue working. Keep working like before, time another 25 minutes. After that take a five-minute break. Once you’ve made four tomatoes (worked for 4x 25 mins), take a longer break. A good length for a longer break is 25 to 30 minutes. During the break you give your brain time to rest. Meanwhile your brain compartmentalizes the information you’ve produced. After the break start a new set of tomatoes.

Can writing be dangerous? Maybe not, but The Most Dangerous Writing App creates a positive sense of danger for writing. The idea is quite simple. If you don’t write, the text you’ve written vanishes!

The app is right for people who need to force themselves to get started with writing. The app can also be helpful for people who are struggling to start writing because they want their text to be perfect. The app works for everyone who sometimes need a push to start writing.

The Most Dangerous App is easy to use. You define how long you want to write, and then you just start writing! If you stop, the text start disappearing. If writing stops for five seconds, the entire text disappears. 

Once you try the app, you should first set a short time for writing. At its best the app is addictive and encourages you to write more. Try it!

You can watch a video about the app here

Creative writing can be used as a tool for writing in many ways. Any kind of writing will help you write better texts in the future. Even though Universities of Applied Sciences focus mostly on enhancing academic writing skills, creative writing can be used alongside it as support. So, if you like writing, keep it as a hobby during your studies!

The more you write, the more automatic the writing will become. For example, if you write for five to ten minutes every day, you’ll notice how writing will start to feel more natural.

Here are a few creative writing exercises for you to try. The free writing exercise and controlled free writing exercise are from the book Gradutakuu (2015) by Kimmo Svinhufvud.

Free writing exercise

  1. Decide how long you want to write
  2. Keep your hand moving
  3. Don’t delete anything you write
  4. Don’t care about grammar
  5. Go for it!
  6. Don’t think or concern yourself with logic
  7. Dive off the deep end!

Controlled free writing

This exercise works well as a brainstorm practice, it automatizes writing and frees you of expectations related to writing. The technique is exactly the same as in the earlier free writing exercise, but this time you have a topic to write about. This exercise helps you with working on your chosen topic, as you’re not going to get stuck on grammar problems or choosing just the right word for a sentence. They’re important things, but you can focus on those after you’ve finished the first version of your text.

  1. Choose a topic to write about
  2. Decide how long you want to write
  3. Keep your hand moving
  4. Don’t delete anything you write
  5. Don’t think about grammar
  6. Go for it!
  7. Don’t concern yourself with logic
  8. Dive off the deep end!
  9. Refocus yourself when you notice yourself drifting away from the topic

I remember-I know-I don’t know

Julia Cameron is a well-known American writer, poet, journalist and educator. She’s written several books about creativity and improving as a writer. The next exercise is from her.

  1. Write using a pen and paper or use a computer.
  2. Set a timer for three minutes and start writing text under the “I remember” header. Keep writing and don’t worry if your text is logical or readable. Once the three minutes are over, reset the timer and set it for another three minutes. Start writing things that you know. After three minutes, reset the timer and start writing text under the “I don’t know” header.

Train of thought exercise

In this exercise you’ll let go of goals and censoring related to language and thoughts. You can use this as a warm-up, if you’re having trouble getting started with writing. Write about each topic for 1–5 minutes.

  1. Right now, I feel…
  2. Right now, I want…
  3. Right now, I know…
  4. Right now, I fear…
  5. Right now, I dream…

Other tips for creative writing

Try if you can tell the difference between writing on a computer and writing by hand. When writing by hand you have a feel for the pen and paper. Writing by hand and writing on a computer are motorically and cognitively different processes.

In some exercises it might help that you don’t see what you write on the screen. You can turn off the monitor when you write. That way you don’t see any spelling errors, and you don’t start thinking if your text makes sense. Creative writing exercises can support writing at different phases.

Many of you might be familiar with different kind of visual maps utilized in schools to visualize a subject. These days it’s common to use mind maps and idea maps in working life as well, especially in certain professional fields. Mind maps can be used to visualize a big project, and also to help with writing.

Mind maps can be useful in the early stages of brainstorming. They can also be helpful when the structure of a text seems challenging. Sometimes thinking about the entire text’s structure can feel overwhelming, and even getting started can feel difficult.

Mind maps are used to gather ideas relevant to the topic together. The simplest way is to create a list of things that come to mind. The list doesn’t have to be organized, and the writer doesn’t have to think about how to present the ideas in text. After this the preliminary ideas can be used as an aid for writing, you can also combine ideas together.

Kimmo Svinhufvud (2016) sums up the basic technique for mind maps like this.

  1. Start writing from the middle, write a word that is important for the subject. You can also draw a picture.
  2. Brainstorm: write words that come to mind around the first word. Sum up thoughts into one or two words. Or a picture.
  3. Let your thoughts branch out and combine them with lines. Draw branches for new thoughts.
  4. Try to think fast.
  5. Leave room for creativity. Try different kinds of pens, text types and different styles of lines.
  6. If you can’t find a spot for a certain thought, come back to it later.
  7. More branches and thoughts as you find the connections.
  8. Forget about being serious, play and try. You can always to the exercise again. (Svinhufvud 2016, 147.)

You can use different apps like these to help you create a mind map.

The cube technique can be applied at different writing stages. In the idea phase you can use it as a starting point for text, and later on you can use it to understand phenomena. 

  1. Choose a word, a topic or a phenomenon.
  2. Choose the topic freely and use the cube technique as an aid for completing a study exercise
  3. Write the topic inside the cube and look at it from six different angles: describe, compare, combine, analyse, apply and debate.

At some point you might notice that some of the angles are related to each other. Not all angles are necessarily equally relevant. You can continue working by combining different angles together.

Can you find similarities? What kinds of themes did you find by using the cube?

The snowflake method is suitable for use with either short texts or longer texts like a thesis. The method can be used with different phases of writing. You can use the technique to help you get started with writing, or as an aid when writing down references. The idea is that your text will broaden little by little, from one sentence all the way to a complete text. The snowflake technique is all about growing the text from small beginnings. There are different description of this method.

This guide uses Svinhufvud’s (2010) and Vilka’s (2020) presented principles and applications:

Write the topic of your text in 3 to 4 words. Try to write about your topic using core words.

After that answer with one sentence to the following questions.

  1. What am I trying to find an answer to with my text?
  2. What is my personal angle for the text?
  3. What authority do I want to challenge with my text?

After this, widen your answers with three to four sentences.

After that take a five-minute break.

Continue expanding your sentences into a paragraph.

Take a five-minute break

Now expand the text with one new paragraph. Now you have at least two paragraphs of text for each answer.

You can make a simplified mini flake by writing just one question. This works well for an idea phase.

For example, the subject of an essay can be reformed into a question:

How can you improve general work life skills in different learning environments?

Five sentences:

The purpose of my essay is to show how you can develop general workplace skills in different learning environments. Studying in a University of Applied Sciences provides one with different kinds of learning environments. These can be contact learning, working life environments, internships, remote learning and international environments. Every internship has its own goals, but every one of those will provide a chance to develop different kinds on interaction skills. Remote learning requires that one can collaborate remotely with students.

After this I can use core words to expand my text. I can then write about what general workplace skills mean for five sentences. After this I can describe each learning environment by writing five sentences and expand them later. By proceeding like this, I’ve written over a page of concept text.

After this I could combine information about different workplace and learning environment definitions and terms to my concept text. I could combine, compare and apply my own observations and present questions.

Writing rarely moves in a linear fashion from start to finish. Writing is thinking and it requires time. Writing is a process that moves forward in phases. Once you know your own writing style, you can anticipate and predict many things that affect your writing style.

Taija Tuominen, an author and a writing educator divides writer types into planners and innovators. An innovator writes without a plan, trusting in inspiration. Once the inspiration has passed, an innovator doesn’t have enough will to finish the text. A planner on the other hand can’t get started with writing and focuses instead on research and studying different sources.

In practice there are more writer types like procrastinators and perfectionists. The speed at which we read and write are different for everyone, as is the style of writing. Some people say they can only write when inspiration strikes, or when a deadline is near. These beliefs rarely lead to a desired outcome, however.

Some writers are methodical and write in a very orderly fashion without even realizing it. Many start planning out the text by memorizing random thoughts. Some start with reading and writing notes. Both of these are a part of process writing. For some writers the style of process writing may seem like too much work, because editing text might feel frustrating. Studying in a University of Applied Sciences presents new writing challenges. This is why it is recommended to take time to figure out what kind of writer you are, so you recognize your own writing style.

You can’t write academic texts in a single sitting, and supplementing existing text also takes time. This is why it is recommended to read instructions carefully and write the text according to them. As a general rule, texts that don’t follow instructions and guidelines are a sent back to be supplemented. Then you need to use time to rework the text. It is recommended to take time to plan out the text beforehand.

Writing consists of several stages. Firstly, you should ponder the following questions:

  • What am I writing?
  • Who am I writing for?
  • What is the main idea I want the reader to understand?
  • Why do I want to write this specific thought?
  • What is my angle?
  • What are my central sources?
  • When should the text be ready?
  • When should I read and write, so I can finish my text by the deadline? (Vilkka 2020, 127.)

Several descriptions of process writing exists. The following description and graphic are based on the texts by Viskari (2009), Kniivilä, Lindblom-Ylänne and Mäntynen (2007) and Vilkka (2015), (Vilkka 2020, 126-127)

The word text can mean different spoken and written languages. In this guide different kinds of written texts are simply referred to as text. To put it simply, text is the final result of writing. A text consists of letters and words, but also of meanings and goals. Because different communication situations have different purposes, texts also have different purposes, and they can be viewed and examined from different perspectives. Texts are studied, for example, in the fields of literary studies, linguistics, sociology and theology.

Texts can be divided into different types, i.e., genres. Text types influence our everyday experience of language, they refer to a specific way of using language that is acceptable in a given situation and culture. Text types has evolved over time and have established practices. Different text types have different styles, structures, and vocabulary. As a concept, text types are by no means unambiguous.

Texts can be written according to their structure and style. The main types of text types are narrative, descriptive, directing, and argumentative. However, there can be different types of text in a text type: the boundaries of text types are not always clear. According to some, we are increasingly confronted with texts that contain a wide variety of text types.

Narrative text often contains a lot of different descriptions as well. Newspaper or magazine articles may include narrative and differentiating elements as well as descriptions of phenomena, the environment, and people.

Text types are networked

Text types do not set exact boundaries. Different types of text network with each other and new types of texts and text types are created. Changing communication situations in working life also create new text types. New text types are born between fiction and non-fiction.

Technology has given rise to new texts; text messaging and online language are creating new linguistic practices. Web chats combine written language and spoken language with various icons and abbreviations that describe an emotional state. As our society is strongly digitized, working life also shifts towards online environments. Many jobs today require ever-expanding textual skills. An expert is expected to have the ability to write a variety of texts. You must be able to write about your own field in various channels, such as a publication in your field, a blog text on a website or an insightful Instagram text.

During your studies, you will also practice writing new text types: exam answers, abstracts, portfolios, a lecture diary, reflective texts and theses are all examples of these. Some types of text are may be familiar to you from previous studies. However, you may also receive guidelines that include something new about their contents and appearance. At the UAS you practice producing a particular type of academic text. Text formatting issues such as text layout, margins, reference technique, and title layout are also part of a text type.

Writing is an evolving skill, and as a student you practice mastering the form and content of different text types. At the University of Applied Sciences, you will learn concepts, vocabulary and meaning of your own professional and scientific field. Reading and writing different types of text play an important role. When you practice composing knowledge by writing an essay, you are also practicing structuring text. These same skills are needed when working on a thesis. It’s worthwhile to focus on the fact that a critical and argumentative way of reading and writing is required at the University of Applied Sciences at the very beginning of studies.

Academic writable and readable sources include three important areas. These are the characteristics of a scientific text:

  1. Argumentation means that information is presented to the reader reliably and convincingly.
  2. Intertextuality means linking a subject to previous scientific discussion. This is used to support your own thinking and thoughtful writing.
  3. The neutrality of the content means that the text must be factual, precise and reliable. This includes general research ethics. (Vilkka 2020, 22–23.)

Essays have multiple types. We usually talk about fictional and scientific essays. Essays in universities usually refer to scientific essays, miniature dissertations on a topic. Essays are written in universities for multiple reason. One key reason is that an essay as a type of text requires familiarity with a particular topic. In order to write an essay, it is necessary to read and acquire information on a topic. Essay writing thus develops the skill of thinking.

An essay is an analytical and comparative text. In it, the author compares the similarities and differences between subjects. The author becomes acquainted with various sources and uses them to justify perspectives on the topic. An essay is based on facts that are presented clearly. An essay thus compares one argument or point of view. An essay is like a puzzle you can solve by choosing a perspective. An essay must be a coherent whole, in which things are related to each other or are justifiably connected together. An essay is a subject centric text, but as a writer you also showcase your perspectives in relation to literature. (Vilkka 2020, 26.)

An essay is neither an opinion piece nor an abstract. In order to be able to present a case reliably and convincingly as a writer, you need to become familiar with the subject. Even if you have your own experiences and observations about something, they are not necessarily common facts.

Sufficient time must be set aside for the planning phase of the essay, as you will need to become familiar with the topic and think about your perspective. Instead of repeating the source literature that you have read, you should show how you understand the matter yourself. This is how you also understand the impact and nature of your own experiences. An essay helps you understand what kind of a thinker you are and what kind of relationship you have to your field. (Vilkka 2020, 28.)

Essay structure

An essay consists of three main parts: an introduction, a body and a conclusion part.

1. Introduction:
Here you present the central idea of ​​your work. An introduction captures the reader’s interest in the topic. A clear perspective is important. You can take advantage of various source materials when choosing a perspective. An introduction should answer the following questions:

  • What is the subject or argument of your essay?
  • What is your opinion on the matter?
  • What are the perspectives from which you approach the issue? (Vilkka 2020, 27.)

2. Body:
In this section you look at the topic or issue from the perspective of your choice. The structure of the body is affected by what your perspective is. You can approach the topic of your essay by comparing different perceptions, commenting on the main arguments, or creating a development overview of a topic or an issue. This way the structure moves forward chronologically. A situation or problem is first introduced. The problem is then specified, and the causes and consequences are highlighted. Finally, a solution or conclusion is presented.
3. Conclusion:
In this section, you will present your interpretation of the issue, highlight its most interesting features, further develop the issue, present possible developments or highlight various application possibilities. Your topic and perspective on the issue will affect which type of conclusion is most appropriate. Hanna Vilkka (2020, 28) states that in the concluding part the author can present their views or experiences. However, it is important that one does not proceed only in a self-centered way.

The layout of the essay

The layout of the essay is described in the Template for Written Assignments.

Here you can watch a video showing the structure of the essay.

A video essay

A contemplative essay answer, report, or other learning task can also be produced by speaking or interpreting on video, this method is used especially in language teaching. In this case, the text is not pre-written, but is designed and prepared in a mind map format, for example, and presented as naturally as possible by speaking or interpreting on video.

An essay differs from a video presentation in that the text does not have to be spoken / interpreted all at once but is intended to be edited together. Even a videotaped essay must have a logical structure, subdued effects can also be used to distinguish ideas in the editing phase. Completing the task usually requires basic skills in video editing, a simple editing program, and a camera that records video of sufficient quality. In a video essay the background must be clear both visually and audibly. All sounds must be completely removed from the interpreted answer.

At the beginning (and preferably also at the end) of the video essay, information about the task, such as the author’s name, title, and other necessary tags, are added. The list of sources appears as text at the end of the video. It is recommended to use subheadings when the total length of the video increases to five minutes or above.

Simultaneity in a video essay is utilized by the simultaneous use of written and spoken / interpreted text. Source references are added as subtitles during relevant parts to the bottom of the image. The reference should be visible at all times as long as the information is from the source. In addition, you can add pictures on top of the audio, and text over interpreted videos.

A videotaped learning task can also be completed in pairs. Its assessment is generally given in the same language and in the same format as the task itself. For example, Humak’s Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Kuopio units use the Yasla language studio program to provide feedback, which can be used to add spoken or referenced comments to the assignment video. Video task recovery is limited by file size. If necessary, a larger video can be uploaded to YouTube as hidden.

A report can be a large-scale presentation of research material with recommendations for action or a situation report. A report is a factual text in the form of a statement or memo. In practice, the content and format of a report will vary depending on the situation. The purpose and use of the report will determine how accurately the information is expressed and what kind of issues are emphasized. Sometimes there is also talk of interim reports and a final report. Typically, a report describes the work done afterwards in an objective and reliable manner.

A report is a compilation of work done it is used to document information. It is used as a means of reporting what has happened, evaluating a situation or directing activities in a certain direction. Therefore, reporting is characterized by systematicity and speed. In the social and health care sector, customer information is usually reported to a database such as a patient information system. In this case, it is essential that all activities carried out are reported clearly, objectively and comprehensibly. When reporting, an employee must also take into account the requirements of laws and regulations.

Objectives of a report

When writing a report, think about who you are writing it to, i.e., who is the reader and what the goals of the report are. The aim of a report is to provide information for the development of an activity.

For example, a travel report can have different goals. In some cases, a travel report indicates that the trip has been used for the purpose for which it was intended. In this case, the author must accurately record the times and places. The purpose of a travel report, on the other hand, can be to describe information that is interesting and important to colleagues. In this case, the travel report may contain descriptions of ideas as well as contact information. (Kankaanpää & Piehl 2011, 305.)

A thesis is an extensive report, the structure of which is influenced by the established practices of research communication and the type of thesis. An internship report, in turn, may include reflective writing in addition to accurate documentation of the work done. Regardless of a report’s purpose, instructions provided, and any sample pages should be followed.

Instructions for Humak’s thesis report
Humak’s handbook for practical training
A template for Humak’s written assignments

Structure of the report

The structure of a report is influenced by its objectives and the intended reader. Above all, a report must be readable and clear. The reader should easily understand the essentials. Headings and subheadings make reading easier. A table of contents should be used in longer texts. A report can have a variety of visualizations, such as lists, images, and bolding. Long reports often have a summary as well as appendices. (Kankaanpää & Piehl 2011, 305.)

The structure of a report is determined by the purpose and content of the report. Structuring models suitable for the report are briefly described below according to Piehl and Kankaanpää (2011, 93–112).

  • A chronological order is suitable for a report if it answers questions such as the order in which things have happened, what has happened at specific times, how the matter has progressed or how the current situation has ended. A chronological order is appropriate when a report describes a process, development, or variation.
  • A topic list is appropriate for a report if, for example, it describes the components of a case, the options available or a system. A topic list describes, among other things, composition, options, structuring, and classification. Topics can be defined in many ways using conceptual frameworks and classifications. It is often worth moving from the most important to the least important or from general to private. Sometimes it may be appropriate to build a thematic order from private to more general. In this case, individual cases are first described and then grouped.
  • A problem-solving order is suitable when the report answers questions such as why the situation is like this, what the matter means, what can be done about it or how the matter can be changed. In this case, the situation or problem is first presented, then the problem is specified (causes and consequences are described). Finally, a conclusion or proposal for a solution is made. The problem-solving order is typical in research reports. The key things are at the end, i.e., the results obtained, and the main content are told. For example, the structure of a progressive report may be as follows:

1. Introduction:

  • What was the task?
  • Why was the task completed?
  • Information documenting the subject, place, time, duration, author, etc.

2. Observation section

  • What was done and how?
  • What results were obtained?
  • Assignment, objectives, required background information, methods, procedures, results, etc.

3. Conclusion section

  • What can be deduced from the results?

4. Suggestion section

  • Development suggestions, evaluative information, etc.
  • What needs to be done?

A learning diary is a tool for assessing and developing one’s own learning. It helps you describe your own experience, which supports your personal growth and helps identify weaknesses and strengths related to learning.

The learning diary supports your self-direction and assessment. It promotes reflection on how and what you have learned. It also provides information on the progress of studies and thereby encourages and motivates. The learning diary also serves as a clarifier of concepts, issues, and theories.

A learning diary is a reflection of what is heard, discussed, read or experienced. It involves reflecting, asking questions, and finding answers. A learning diary is not a paper or a summary of the topics and contents of lectures.

Creating a learning diary

You can start writing a learning diary before the lecture / seminar / study visit / or other learning situation by considering the following questions:

  • What kind of preconceptions do you have?
  • What are you expecting?

Creating a learning diary is process-based, so the text takes shape as the learning process progresses and as your own thinking deepens and is structured. A learning diary should be prepared as soon as possible after the learning situation. A learning diary is a structured written entity. Although its format is free, it is recommended to use paragraph breaks and titles in the text. The learning diary begins with a short introduction, which presents the background information of the learning situation, like time, place, organizer, goals, possible target groups, etc. The introduction should also briefly describe the realization of the learning situation, and make an overall assessment of its success, discussions, participants, etc.

After the introduction there is a section in the learning diary in which you should write concisely about the content of the learning situation and also about the discussions that have taken place. Content assessments should be critical and complementary and may include ideas of their own as well as those from other sources. The following questions will help you get started:

  • What were the “core issues,” or important contents?
  • What issues were highlighted in the discussions?
  • What do you think was most significant? Why?
  • What do you learn?
  • Did your perception of things change so far? How?
  • What did you not really understand? Why?
  • How can you make use of the information and opinions you receive?

The learning diary ends with an analytical reflection on the content of the learning situation and one’s own learning:

  • What was the main thing you learned?
  • Was it useful for your studies? How?
  • What would you like to learn more about?

1 ECTS point for the learning diary consists of 4-6 seminar hours, in which case the scope of the diary is 3-4 reporting pages.

The layout of the learning diary

Use a template for written assignments. If the learning diary is based on a seminar or similar, attach the seminar’s program to the diary.

In everyday language, the word abstract may be confused with a summary. However, an abstract is usually always a text written by the author himself, unlike a summary. Abstracts can be found, for example, in the ingress of articles, textbooks, and theses. Instructions for writing an abstract for theses are given separately.

An abstract is a type of text in which spoken or written text is explained in abbreviated form. A clean abstract means that it contains only the original text or the source text in condensed form. A commentary abstract includes the author’s questions, comments, thoughts and opinions. A commentary abstract can also contain several texts. (Tarkoma & Vuorijärvi 2012, 140–143.)

An abstract can be written, for example, from an entire book, article, lecture or seminar. What is essential in writing an abstract is that the author understands the text he or she has read or heard. For this reason, good notes on the lecture or text read are necessary.

The author must be able to extract essential and significant things from the text. This preserves the meaning of the text. If the author picks up things that are irrelevant to the paper at random, the reader will not understand the paper. The reader’s understanding is supported by, for example, time and place, progress from a familiar issue to a new one, and vocabulary appropriate to the topic. Writing an abstract requires compaction and has to be relevant to the source material.

In an abstract the order in which things are presented, sentence structures, and parsing are often different from the original text. A good tool for the author of the abstract is to extract from the text first the main concept and then the related meanings. These may include concept definitions, time, and definitions. (Kauppinen 1988.)

If the assignment is an abstract, you should make sure that you have a ready-made model. Be sure to follow the instructions on the abstract’s format.

Here’s how to write an abstract:

  1. Find out what the purpose and genre of the original text is (informing, influencing, entertaining), author, time and place of publication.
  2. Read the text first by eye, then verbatim. Make notes / mind maps in your own words
  3. Find the main content of the text. What is the idea of ​​the text, what are the essentials? What are the main concepts, sub-concepts and relationships between things?
  4. Create a self-contained, complete body of text. Mark the source information at the beginning or end of your paper. Write the topic of the paper at the beginning (for example Jim Johnson deals with… the title and year of the article…). Refers to the original text where appropriate. Remember that the reader has no background information. You can change the order and structure. Create your own subheadings if necessary. Use direct quotes carefully. The aim is to explain the core information of the original text to the reader.
  5. Finally, check the text. Is the content the same as in the original text? What about key concepts and text style? Do the introduction, development and summary form a coherent whole? Do the transitions from one paragraph to another make sense? Are the sentence structures clear and unambiguous? Perform text and language maintenance. Check spelling and sentence structures. (Lemmetyinen 2010.)

Layout of the paper

Use a template for written assignments unless instructed otherwise.

A portfolio is a collection of your skills and abilities. It serves as a tool for presenting expertise and professional development.

A portfolio does not have one specific form, but each builds an entity that serves it in the most appropriate way for each professional career. When looking for work, a portfolio complements your CV and job application by telling more about the things you do. The portfolio acts as your business card when you apply for a job or otherwise create your own job. When creating a portfolio, consider in particular how you can differentiate yourself from other job seekers with your skills?

The portfolio should be done electronically, in which case it can consist of texts, images, videos, animations and presentations, and combinations of all of these. When you create a portfolio electronically, you can choose what information is displayed and when, etc. You can make a part of your portfolio visible and keep a part secret. It will be completed throughout your studies and you can add new things and remove old ones as your studies progress. You can also use a portfolio to demonstrate your own learning within the course guidelines. A portfolio is never complete or perfect, don’t worry too much about that.

When studying, think that any learning assignments, exercises, and projects should be done so well that you get material from each to add to your portfolio! You will compile a portfolio as part of the Professional Development 5 ECTS course if you are a bachelor’s degree student. The portfolio will be used in monitoring your professional development. Also record your internationalization studies and skills in the portfolio. The bachelor’s degree includes 30 ECTS international studies, which are usually part of other studies. Among other things, international materials, materials and events accumulate international points, as well as exchanges and visits, etc. Make a plan for accumulating international expertise and discuss it with your own HEKS coach at the first coaching meeting.

Remember that a good portfolio is personal: Tell us who you are, what you are good at, what you like and what you want to do!

Where should you create a portfolio?

Create an electronic portfolio for yourself on the platform that best serves you. Note that due to your interests, education, or future orientation, your choice of platform may be different than others. If you are creating an electronic portfolio for the first time, there is nothing yet to present. If you already have things you can / want to store in your portfolio, add them there. If you feel you haven’t had time to do anything professionally significant yet, add a short story about the highlight of your life so far: write in your portfolio about something you’re proud of, a situation where you’ve done the right thing, and so on.

Below is a list of different platforms. This list is neither exhaustive nor indicative, but you are free to choose the platform from outside the list. Note that each platform has its pros and cons and not all will fit every need. Use time and reflection before choosing the platform you are using. Some services are free, some are paid. If you have your own company, etc., its website is also a valid platform for the portfolio.

Popular platforms for electronic portfolio


Humak students have the opportunity to write blogs. Agree on making a blog with the lecturer if it is related to a course. The lecturer will guide you through the blog and review the content of the text. Humak’s student blogs include:

Through a student’s eyes blog
Cultural producers blog
Community educators blog
Cultural production blog of YAMK students 

When writing blog post, it’s a good idea to keep the following in mind:

  1. Write a good header
  2. Write an ingress, who you are, what you study, how the blog relates to your studies (course)
  3. Use subheadings
  4. Write short sentences and coherent text, entice the reader in your text to continue reading.
  5. Use short paragraphs of one to two sentences
  6. Use images (see instructions for adding images below)
  7. Be sure to credit yourself as the author
  8. A length of about 250-300 words is sufficient, long texts of about 1000 words are too long for online blogs, no matter how well done. So, summarize and tell the essentials, even if you have to give up part of your text.

Adding images

  • Process images up to a maximum width of about 1000 pixels
  • The image should be of the best possible quality (resolution, exposure, etc.)
  • Horizontal works best
  • At least one image is needed for the student’s eyes to blog, but it would be good to have two or three images, from which the communications team can choose the appropriate ones. Images are sent as a separate file, not attached inside the text.
  • If the text has news value, the text intended for the blog can be published as news. In this case, at least two images are needed, one vertically and the other horizontally.
  • Save the image to your computer with a name that tells about the content, for example: “study trip germany humak community pedagogy.jpg”
  • You can indicate in parentheses in the text if you want an image at a specific point in the text (image x here and caption, image name).
  • When uploading an image, write a caption and an alternate text. A caption tells background information about the image, and an alternative text describes the image (for example: a man standing beside a dog.) Alternative texts are an acessibility option used in text-to-speech programs.
  • The use of images must be authorized by the subject and the photographer, please indicate in the email that these things are in order.

Posting a blog

Send text and pictures to viestinta@humak.fi. The communications team checks and, if necessary, stylizes the text and publishes it on humak.fi pages and distributes it on Humak’s Finnish channels. Note. Send the text as a Word file, not a .pdf, or other locked text format. For more information, contact communications (viestinta@humak.fi).

During your studies, you will begin to build your professional skills. Professional competence includes information that can be justified. Professional competence cannot be based solely on one’s own experience, everyday knowledge or general knowledge. Scientific information is often obtained by reading the literature in the field, but it is also obtained from various experts and, for example, from statistics. During the studies, professional competence is increased by getting acquainted with the researched knowledge and expert knowledge. As a student, you must be able to identify different types of information and read different texts.

An important part of building professionalism and expertise is the ability to look at individual issues from a broader perspective as well. Above all, looking at different phenomena and things requires interest and curiosity. Each of us has a lot of our own experiences and thoughts on different things. However, they are always subjective and not generalizable information.

Scientific texts bring new perspectives to various phenomena and they produce new information. However, all knowledge is always partly built on existing knowledge. This is reflected in scientific texts, in which things are justified in different ways.

A scientific text is transparent. It means that the information or text borrowed from something, as well as the author’s own interpretations and thoughts, are distinguished from each other. The scientific text is objective and impartial in style.

Special features of research communication

Research communication includes, for example, the language of science, ethics and a certain type of written work structure. For example, if you browse for theses, you will find that you will always find an abstract, an introductory chapter, the concepts and method used, and a reference list. As a reader, if I want to get a quick overview of a thesis, I can take a look at the table of contents and read the abstract. Based on this, I know if it is useful for me to read more of the work. If I want to find out the main results and conclusions of the work, I know that they can be found at the end of the work. All these aspects are related to research communication.

In research communication, ethics means, for example, that ethical principles have been taken into account in the various stages of the work. Such principles include, but are not limited to, the need for parental consent when interviewing minors. An important part of research communication ethics is understanding how to use information produced by another. This ethical principle guides the production and writing of all knowledge-based texts. References and a list of sources are one of the things to study right at the beginning of your studies.

Research communication also means communicating science and research elsewhere, for example to the media and the public. There is also often talk of scientific communication, which means both internal and external debate on science.

The degree of scientificity varies in different texts. A popular article written on the basis of research is written more generally than, for example, an article written in an international peer-reviewed publication.

A scientific text also includes the requirement of factual style. The language must be clear and consistent. During your studies, you practice writing a scientific text. According to Article 7 of the University of Applied Sciences Decree, “the aim of the thesis is to develop and demonstrate the student’s ability to apply his or her knowledge and skills in a practical expert position related to vocational studies”. At the Humanities University of Applied Sciences (Humak), this requirement is demonstrated by the fact that the thesis is a commissioned work development task.

The basics of research communication are not practiced just for the purpose of writing a thesis. Since the majority of texts written at a polytechnic are knowledge-based texts, you must be able to use the right types of citation and refer to the information correctly. You will do a variety of learning assignments during your studies, using many of the basics of research communication.

Watch the communication unit Kant’s producer and journalist Anne Heikkinen’s video on science communication (duration 02:49, the video has subtitles).

An essential part of writing various scientific texts is using the read information as part of the text. The texts are polyphonic because they contain references to the thoughts and studies of others, as well as the author’s own interpretation. The author can interpret, comment, justify and further construct the texts of others.

The materials in the texts may be different. The key issues related to the use of materials are referencing and citation. As stated earlier, texts are always based in some way on pre-existing information. This is why it is important to know how to use different types of information correctly. Referencing means writing some information or content in your own words. In referencing what is said is told by speaking or writing. In everyday life, we actually refer a lot. For example, when we explain the twists and turns of the series we are looking at, we refer to what we have seen. The principles of referencing in knowledge-based texts include ethics and clarity. The author must not refer to the text in such a way that the original content of the text changes. In addition, one must always show where the referenced information is from. This is done with citation.

For a novice author of knowledge-based or research texts, a commentary paper can be a good way to structure their own thinking. Writing notes is a big help in writing your own text. Direct copying of text from a source does not develop the author’s thinking. If the author uses a lot of direct quotations in his text, it gives the impression that the author is not familiar enough. Information is available from many places and is often also easy to copy. In this case, it should be remembered that as a student you are responsible for the texts you produce, and the content used in them. See here for more details on the use of quotes in the text.

The following things can be used as support when reading new text:

  • temporal factors (before-now)
  • causes and influencing factors
  • the pros and cons
  • consequence chains
  • perspectives for and against
  • problems and solutions
  • concept hierarchies
  • benchmarks and comparable cases

When the author refers to a text, he points out how something has been handled or how it is treated in the original text. Examples of reference verbs include express, state, describe, believe, assume, be, argue, guess, evaluate, define, reflect, doubt, interpret, and assume. All of these express different attitudes and different degrees of certainty. If something is disputed in the original text, it is a strong expression.

Refer to the Humak citation guide for instructions on references and citations.

Joint writing, community writing, or collaborative writing? These concepts have something in common: they are all about writing that does not happen alone. There are different perspectives on the concepts, but the key is the presence of others in some way. Joint writing is the collaborative work of two or more authors with the goal of producing a joint text. This is about writing together. However, it is not always a question of co-authorship and the production of a common text.

There are different ways to use the support of others in writing. You can support one another in different ways: give feedback, develop ideas together, edit text, and discuss texts. Discussing writing problems or challenges can also be part of the writing process.

According to some, writing is always somehow about writing together, as writing is about communicating with others. After all, the text always has a goal and a reader.

Joint writing requires common rules. It is a good idea to first agree on a platform to write on, make, and decide on a schedule. At its best, a text is something that no one alone could have created. In co-writing, you also learn from others and can get new tools. A community writer is required to have the ability to build a common text and work with others.

Many working life texts can be characterized as communal. Organizational development plans, strategies and brochures are devised together, and reports and statements are commented on.

During your studies, you may write a project report or do a joint learning task together with another. The thesis can also have two authors. Co-written articles are part of academic writing. For this reason, it is also justified to practice community writing.

Interaction no longer requires the presence of another in the same space. On the other hand, a lot of different texts are produced online. For example, various wikis or other online platforms can be used not only for studying but also for research, projects and working groups. Writing and reading online is perhaps more communal than ever before.

Community writing is different. You can do the whole writing process together, with everyone reading, discussing, and writing. Authors can also write their own draft texts, which are put together after being commented on and edited. One option is for the authors to first make a plan on who does what, according to which everyone writes their own part. The texts are then combined either together or in such a way that one of the authors does this by themselves. Community writing takes place even when the writing process has a leader who comments and leads the process.

In communal writing, the final text should always be coherent and whole. Before co-writing, it is important to agree on a schedule, divide the workload, and give feedback. Process-like writing is suitable for community writing. If the text is written in a publication, for example, it is a good idea to find out in advance the instructions on the layout of the text, citations and titles.

Current technological tools allow for real-time co-writing and information sharing, even around the world. Writing together does not mean that writers have to sit side by side at the same computer. Interaction no longer requires the presence of another in the same space. A lot of different texts are produced online. For example, various wikis or other online platforms can be used not only for studying but also for research, projects and working groups. Writing and reading in virtual time is perhaps more communal than ever before.

Co-writing works well with cloud services. These include Office365 OneDrive and Google Drive, among others. At the same time, authors can communicate and discuss in real time.

The use of both platforms is similar. You can create your own folders and files to which you can grant different rights to others (read and edit rights). Files can be shared via email or links. There are different ways to use comments in files. In OneDrive, you can edit text directly, review text by adding comments and make changes. In addition, it is possible to simply view the file without making any changes.

It is worth learning to use cloud services in your studies, as they enable a wide range of ways of working. Cloud services can make working and writing work more efficient. If you send the text as an attachment, there is a risk that the different versions will get mixed up. In long-term writing assignments such as a thesis, it may be useful to create your own folders for the data base, material or method sections of different sections.

However, keep in mind that Outlook365 OneDrive does not have all the same tools as Word. This means that there are more tools in the desktop version of Word than in the cloud service. Therefore, for example, different templates do not work in the cloud service, and their layouts may change. So you should always finish the final work in the desktop version.

One option is to pre-write the actual text in the cloud service. The text is then copied to the template and finalized on the computer desktop. This will make the template table of contents and source list work properly, and the layouts will automatically follow the instructions. The finished work can always still be uploaded to the cloud service, where it is stored and quickly available when needed.

In most courses, the return of learning assignments is requested in such a way that you have to share your work in the cloud service and bring a link to the Opens discussion area, for example. See Humak’s instructions for publishing and sharing learning materials and learning assignments here.

It is difficult and even impossible to unambiguously assess the quality of language use without first comparing the assessment to the purpose, communication purpose and context of the text.

Factual texts inform, influence or guide action. The aim of factual texts is to convey information appropriately, unambiguously and effectively. Therefore, the language of the subject texts is:

  • neutral
  • obvious
  • concise
  • accurate and precise
  • illustrative
  • understandable

Factual texts appeal to facts and logical reasoning. They are based on facts and seek to describe reality. Neutral words are preferred in factual texts. Meanings (denotations) of words are kept simple and secondary and additional meanings are not used (connotations). The language itself is transparent, unobtrusive and neutral so that it does not distract the reader from the facts.

According to Estonian linguist Valter Taul, the ideal language strives for maximum results with minimal means. According to Taul, the ideal language follows three basic principles: it is clear, concise, and aesthetic. The principles of clarity, conciseness and aesthetics are also excellent for weighing good professional writing style.

The majority of texts written in working life and studies are factual texts. For this reason, during the studies, the skill of writing factual texts and the features required in them are practiced. This means that during studies feedback is also given on the formal aspects of the text.

Factual style differs from everyday writing style and from free spoken language. The purpose of factual style is to make room for the subject matter. If you’re not quite sure what genre is appropriate for a text, factual style is a safe choice. (Tarkoma & Vuorijärvi 2012, 118–119.)

A factual text strives for unambiguity, clarity and precision. Unambiguity is created by the concepts being precisely defined and presented. The presentation of background information and the description of background information bring clarity to the text. A factual text does not contain the author’s outbursts of emotion, humor, or ambiguous descriptions. (Kankaanpää & Piehl 2011, 20; Tarkoma & Vuorijärvi 2012, 118–119.)

An example of an illustrative and unambiguous text that defines the concept of social library:

A social library can be defined as a space where different people can meet, be together and interact. A social library is also a mobile library that takes the library’s services to different facilities. Examples of such activities are moving library services and participatory engagements at various events. (Honkanen 2015, 13.) The aim of social library work is to bring customer groups within the scope of the library’s services who, for some reason, do not yet use the library and its services. The aim is to activate them and involve their thoughts and ideas in the development of libraries. (Jyrkinen 2013, 4.) The social library can also be viewed as being in the middle ground between social work and libraries. Then it can be seen as helping people, preventing the loneliness of individuals. However, such an interpretation of the social library can be seen as quite problem-oriented if the library staff cares for people without social work training. (Hokkanen, 2015, 11.)

Factors related to the clarity and layout of the text are also included. One factor that increases clarity are the ready-made templates that are used. The templates are pre-set with a cover page, a table of contents and a list of sources. The template has margins, font size, line spacing and, for example, the size of the headings is predefined. Using these makes typing easier, because then you don’t have to make the layouts yourself. The template also helps the reader. In Humak, learning tasks are generally always done on a template. The thesis has its own template. It is important that you learn to use the templates correctly.

You can find a template for Humak’s written assignments here.

The term common thread is often used when describing the connection of things to each other in a text. If the author writes down thoughts in his text in the order which they happen to come to mind, there is no common thread in the text. Thinking and writing are different cognitive processes. If you write your thoughts in a stream of consciousness, the reader will not be aware of how your thoughts relate to each other.

The author must always work to get his ideas presented in a clear form to the reader. In principle, all texts are always written to the reader – with the exception of diaries. It is always good to remember that you are not writing texts for yourself, but for the reader.

The reader must be able to follow the course of the author’s thinking in the text. The things presented in the text are in relation to each other, not in the form of paragraphs. Things form a network of meaning in the text, i.e., parsing. The text has nothing to say if there is no meaning. Parsing can be, for example, cause-and-effect relationships or temporal relationships. Parsing is important to the reader because it allows the reader to link information they have previously read together. Usually there is one main idea in the text, i.e., the main meaning and other ideas close to it.

In the text, things can be organized in different ways. This is influenced by the purpose of the text and the reader. Outlining means that the author presents ideas to the reader in the order desired by the author. You can also use multiple parsing templates in the same text if it fits the text type and topic.

  • Chronological structuring presents things and events in chronological order. In chronological structure, things can be presented in the past, present, and future. The chronological structure is suitable for the text parts of documents and narrative texts.
  • Comparative structuring is especially suitable for essays and theses. They use sources to look at a phenomena or topics.
  • Analytical structuring highlights the relationships between events and phenomena. The text comprehensively deals with the significance of a phenomenon or event. This structure is well suited for essays, for example.
  • Classification is appropriate for texts describing the properties of a phenomenon. Classification and comparison can be combined if necessary.
  • Using contrasts in structuring means that the author presents the advantages and disadvantages of a phenomenon. (Tarkoma & Vuorijärvi 2012, 119–124.)

Basic structure of the text

The following structure fits most factual texts.

A factual text follows the language norms of the general Finnish language, i.e., the literary language. Language maintenance maintains the norms of a comprehensible common language. It is important that we have a common language for everyone. If people were to write without any rules, it would make it much more difficult to communicate and take care of everyday things. Everyday language use varies in both spoken and written texts and is not as strict in form than literary language. We all use language, written and spoken in many different ways, during our day. Common language norms have been learned by each of us since elementary school. Even small schoolchildren practice using uppercase and lowercase letters and writing words together and separately.

Language maintenance refers to the maintenance of spelling, inflection, vocabulary, structures and nomenclature, the maintenance of complete texts, and the maintenance of language policy. In Finland, language management recommendations are issued by the Finnish Language Board (Finnish Language Center 2020). Recommendations can include punctuation, vocabulary or how to type names. Recommendations focus on common language, not spoken language. Language management recommendations change over time. A good example is the 2014 recommendation that “alkaa tekemään” and “alkaa tehdä” are both commonly accepted forms. The new recommendation highlighted how emotionally and even passionately we approach the language. Some felt the new recommendation was a sign of decay, and some welcomed the recommendation.

Kotus’ website is a good place to find information if you’re interested in the Finnish language and related phenomena. The site contains current texts such as vocabulary, language changes and many other issues. Kotus can be found at Twitter @Kotus_information

Use language and word processing tools!

Language management is part of factual writing. Text full of grammatical and typing errors is difficult to read and gives a sloppy impression. In some types of text, language management may play a crucial role in convincing the reader. For example, many recruiters immediately disregard job and internship applications with multiple grammatical errors. Not correcting your own text makes you seem like you don’t care about the things you write. A bulletin or advertisement about an event, full of grammatical errors, makes the reader easily ignore the entire text.

It is important that during your studies you learn to check your own text and use various language and text support tools. Best of all, many of these tools are free and available to everyone!

Office365: Spell check

Many are accustomed to using grammar checking or proofreading in Office365. This checker is handy because it picks up many errors related to initials, commas, and conjunctions, as well as congruence between subject and predicate. The program allows you to quickly correct typing errors. However, the program does not recognize all errors, so always check the text yourself. You can make your own choices in the program that affect what the program checks.

For instructions on checking your grammar, visit the Microsoft Office website.

Kotus’ Help Bank

The language office’s help bank is an electronic search service that contains instructions on the Finnish language vocabulary, spelling, form and sentence structure.

The instructions in the Help Bank are classified by topic. You can immediately check the use of punctuation, the spelling of names, the spelling of conjunctions, the use of uppercase and lowercase letters, and the use of passives from the bank.

The Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish is a general Finnish dictionary

You can use dictionaries in different ways to write text and check text. For example, the dictionary can be used to check word style, spelling, and inflection. There are two dictionaries of the Language Office:

The dictionary, published in 2018, contains more than 100,000 words. It also provides information on the inflection and style of words.

The dictionary, released in 2020, is an updated version of the dictionary that adapts to screen size. Only keywords can be searched in this dictionary. Other features will be updated later.

You can find other useful tools here:

The ability to utilize artificial intelligence is an important skill in many professions, and it will become even more crucial in the future. Humak encourages its students to leverage the possibilities of AI during their studies.

AI can provide feedback for brainstorming learning tasks. It may also suggest practical, innovative, creative, and participatory ways to create content for learning assignments. Additionally, AI can assist in creating images, charts, various types of presentations, and summaries related to given themes. When building a knowledge base, AI might recommend relevant sources. It can also help with tasks such as grammar checking, synthesizing information, and organizing content.

Using AI is permissible for testing and developing ideas, as well as providing content-related feedback. However, avoid inputting personal data into AI applications and familiarize yourself with their terms of use. Ideally, AI can be an excellent conversation partner and a collaborator capable of contributing to the creative process. It’s advisable to rarely, if ever, directly copy AI-generated content into your own learning assignments.

When utilizing AI in learning tasks, transparency is essential. Students should include a description of which AI applications were used and how they were applied in the context of their submitted assignments.

The description should be sufficiently detailed to give readers an understanding of AI’s role in different phases of the work. Humak does not recommend including direct quotations from AI-generated content in learning assignments. If you choose to do so, follow the citation guidelines outlined in Humak’s citation guide.

This guidance is based on recommendations from the Council of Rectors of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene). Note that the guidelines may be updated rapidly due to technological advancements and changes in common practices among higher education institutions.

Kankaanpää, Salli & Piehl, Iisa 2011. Tekstintekijän käsikirja. Opas työssä kirjoittaville. Helsinki: Yrityskirjat.

Svinhufvud, Kimmo 2015. Gradutakuu. Helsinki: Art House.

Svinhufvud, Kimmo 2016. Kokonaisvaltainen kirjoittaminen. Helsinki: Art House.

Tarkoma, Elise & Vuorijärvi, Aino 2012. Ammattisuomen käsikirja (11.–12. painos). Helsinki: SanomaPro.

Vilkka, Hanna 2020. Akateemisen lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen opas. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus.

Administrator of the page: Hanna-Kaisa Turja,
Last modified: August 19, 2024