Safer Space Principles

We adhere to safer space principles in our teaching. A safer space is an environment where we all contribute, through our actions, to building an equal, respectful and open atmosphere. A safer space involves the whole learning community - students, teachers and other staff - and requires commitment from all.

Our Safer Space guidelines apply to both physical spaces and online teaching. Our Safer Space policy at Humak is based on the principles set out by the UN Association of Finland.

  • Be respectful of others’ physical and emotional boundaries and respect others’ autonomy.
  • Avoid making judgements about others based on their appearance, dress or demeanour.
  • Avoid making assumptions about others’ gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, socioeconomic background, health, dis/ability, sexual orientation, values or any other characteristics.
  • Do not use derogatory language, stereotypes or offensive terms, even jokingly.
  • Do not bully, harass, ridicule, belittle, exclude or embarrass anyone through your language, behaviour or actions.
  • Make space. Ensure everyone is given the opportunity to participate in the discussion. Don’t dismiss others’ opinions and give everyone a chance to speak. Respect the privacy of others and handle sensitive topics respectfully.
  • Be constructive in your feedback and treat others respectfully, even if you disagree.
  • Listen and learn. Be open to new topics, people and perspectives. Treat each new thing or situation you encounter as an opportunity to develop and learn something new.
  • If you upset or offend someone – intentionally or unintentionally -, apologise.
  • If you witness discrimination, challenge it.

Check out the Humak Guidelines for safer online contact teaching. For more information see Ethics in studies (Student’s Guide), Security (Student’s Guide) and the Humak Degree Regulations

Administrator of the page: Helka Luttinen, Johanna Henriksson,
Last modified: May 28, 2024